Monday 13 April 2015

Life Is Short Lived

I believe that this world was made to suck the one life you have out of you. If you sum it up, all you're doing for at least half your life, is working for a piece of paper that's seemingly important. I honestly cannot see past that.

From the time I was about 3 years old, I was placed in basic school. From there on, I spent 3 years in basic school, 6 years in primary school, 5 years in high school (if I had chosen to do upper level that would have been another 2 years), currently I will spend 4 years at this tertiary institution. In all, that would be 18 years. All except one, had given me just a slip of paper to say that I had completed my years at the institution. Now lets say that I decide to take my "degree" further, it would take another 8 years to do so, only to come out of that institution to find myself behind some desk working like a mad bee for the rest of my short life. I do not intend to do so; working for a piece of paper that will never guarantee me a stable anything in the already damaged economy. It is quite unnerving to me. I know and have seen people struggle to get a job/career, even with the necessary qualifications. Some manage to get a job that reiterates everything they have learned going through school or college. Which to me begs the question, "What is it all for?" Wouldn't it have been better if a said institution takes in individuals and train them to know exactly what needs to be done and when it should be done, what ever the task is?

Looking back, it feels so wrong to see what I had to go through during school. Lets say for example, in Math, we learned Pythagoras' Theorem. I, up to this very moment do not see where and how this is necessary. I have never once in my life apart from school, had to apply Pythagoras' Theorem, ever. So now I am left to think that the time spent "learning" Pythagoras' Theorem could have been used for something more beneficial to me and my well being.

We spend most of our life going through institution upon institution that we forget how to live. Taking some time out to spend with your family, going on a vacation, taking sometime out for yourself can prove very beneficial to our life span. Sitting kills! Get up from around that desk piled with work, go out and jog, go visit a friend you haven't seen in years, get out!! Live a little. The suggestions made are small and overlooked mostly, but these are the things that can make a world of difference, such that will contribute to your happiness. And yes I sometimes fall short on the suggestions made but its not too late to make a change right?

I don't plan to live my life on a "what if?" basis. I would like to live my life knowing that there was nothing I could do better in any given moment. We only get one life. Choose to live it well.

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